In quella lista, Dorothy Carrington aveva analisata solamente il resoconto dei dibattito costituzionali redatti da Madison (i Madison’s Notes on debates in the Federal Convention of 1787)

 L’analisi della totalità del corpus che ho effettuato mi ha convinto che non c'è nessuna allusione all'exemplarité ed ancora meno al prescritto della Rivoluzione di Corsica sull'americana durante tutti i dibattimenti ed atti maggiori redatti tra 1754 e1799.

Si troverà qui di seguito l'elenco dei testi consultati, relativi alla Rivoluzione dei tredici Stati ed al corpus costituzionale degli Stati, corpus in che la questione corsa non è rievocata mai :

·         Albany Plan of Union 1754

·         Resolutions of the Congress of 1765

·         Declarations and Resolves of the First Continental Congress; 1774

·         The Articles of Association; October 20, 1774

·         The Mecklenburgh Resolutions : May 20, 1775

·         The Charlotte Town Resolves; May 31, 1775

·         Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms : July 6, 1775

·         Resolution of Secrecy Adopted by the Continental Congress, November 9, 1775

·         Constitution of New Hampshire - January 5, & South Carolina - March 26, 1776

·         Preamble and Resolution of the Virginia Convention, May 15, 1776

·         Draft Constitution for Virginia; June 1776

·         Lee's Resolution; June 7, 1776

·         Virginia Declaration of Rights; June 12, 1776

·         Constitution of Virginia; June 29, & New Jersey; July 2, 1776

·         Declaration of Independence; July 4, 1776

·         Constitution of Delaware; September 10, 1776, Pennsylvania - September 28, Maryland; November 11, North Carolina; December 18, Georgia; February 5, 1777, New York; April 20, Vermont; July 8, South Carolina; March 19, 1778

·         Articles of Confederation; 1781

·         Constitution of Vermont; July 4, 1786

·         The Annapolis Convention; September 11, 1786

·         Report of Proceedings in Congress; February 21, 1787

·        Northwest Ordinance July 13, 1787

Accreditazione dei membri della Convenzione federale

     State of Connecticut; May 2, 1787

·         Commonwealth of Massachusetts; April 9, 1787 State of New Hampshire; June 27, 1787

·         State of New Jersey; June 5, 1787

·         State of New York; March 6, 1787

·         State of Pennslyvania; March 28, 1787

La Convenzione federale

·         Variant Texts of the Virginia Plan, Presented by Edmund Randolph to the Federal Convention, May 29, 1787. Text A, B & C

·         The Plan of Charles Pinckney (South Carolina), Presented to the Federal Convention, May 29, 1787

·         Variant Texts of the Plan Presented by William Patterson, ( N. J. ) to the Federal Convention, June 15, 1787. Text A, B & C

·         Variant Texts of the Plan Presented by Alexander Hamilton to the Federal Convention, June 18, 1787. Text. A, B, C, D & E

·         Madison's Notes on Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787

·         Constitution as Recorded in Madison's Notes; September 12, 1787

·         Notes of Alexander Hamilton in the Federal Convention of 1787

·         Notes of Rufus King in the Federal Convention of 1787

·         Notes of Major William Pierce (Georgia) in the Federal Convention of 1787

·         Papers of Dr. James McHenry on the Federal Convention of 1787

·         Notes of William Paterson in the Federal Convention of 1787

·         Notes of the Secret Debates of the Federal Convention of 1787, Taken by the Late Hon Robert Yates, Chief Justice of the State of New York, and One of the Delegates from That State to the Said Convention

·        United States Constitution

Ratifica e formazione del Governo


·         Letter of the President of the Federal Convention, Dated September 17, 1787, to the President of Congress, Transmitting the Constitution.

·         Resolution of the Federal Convention Submitting the Constitution to Congress, September 17, 1787

·         Resolution of Congress of September 28, 1787, Submitting the Constitution To the Several States.

·         Circular Letter of the Secretary of Congress, Dated September 28, 1787, Transmitting Copy of the Constitution to the Several Governors.

·         Ratifications of the Constitution by the State of Delaware; December 7, 1787,  Pennsylvania; December 12, New Jersey; December 18, Georgia; January 2, 1788, Connecticut; January 8, Massachusetts; February 6, Maryland; April 28, South Carolina; May 23, New Hampshire; June 21, Virginia; June 26.

·         Resolution of Congress, Dated July 2, 1788, Submitting Ratifications of the Constitution to a Committee

·         Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New York; July 26, 1788

·         Resolution of the Congress, of September 13, 1788, Fixing Date for Election of a President, and the Organization of the Government Under the Constitution, in the City of New York.

·         Resolution of the First Congress Submitting Twelve Amendments to the Constitution; March 4, 1789

·         Ratification of the Constitution by the State of North Carolina; November 21, 1789

·         Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Rhode Island; May 29, 1790.

·         The Federalist Papers

·         Declaration of the Rights of Man; 1789

·         Virginia Resolution 1798

·         Kentucky Resolutions : Draft - October 1798

·         Kentucky Resolution - 1799


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